Online Clothing and Accessories Stores, Likely to Face Tougher Competition

Clothing and accessories stores are now backing up their boutiques with an ecommerce website. Now, is your online store ready to face more competition? Have awareness that after the COVID-19 crisis, the fashion niche could explode with more online stores. Once that happens, your domain’s search-engine visibility can be affected.


Your online boutique could have been doing well even when the country went into lockdown; but don’t make the mistake of becoming complacent. Not when other fashion retailers and resellers have come to realize the importance of having an ecommerce-supported website to back them up at all times, and under any condition.

You might be of the notion that it is enough that you are quite active in promoting your clothing and accessories business via social media platforms. However, you are overlooking the fact that there are still millions of clothing and accessories shoppers out there who search for products by asking Google.


So you say that all SEO things have been considered in your site, like using unique and long tail keywords for your content. Well maybe your website does have some backlinked content, but once there is an explosion of competition to face, the few external links pointing to your website may not be enough to make your domain highly visible to Google’s search engine crawlers.

The Need to Constantly Reinforce Your Clothing and Accessories Website with Backlinks

Link building as an SEO strategy is often overlooked because many consider the techniques of getting other websites to collaborate, involve tedious and time-consuming activities. Actually, it doesn’t have to be. There are now providers of guest post service who are not only into creating articles that carry your domain address or URL. As providers of guest posts, they also take it upon themselves to publish them in websites that contain articles highly relevant to your domain’s content.

How Guest Posts Help Increase a Domain’s Search-Engine Visibility

Given that your fashion website carries keywords that match a Google query, you still cannot expect to land at the top of search page results on the strength of those keywords alone.

Search engine bots still have to determine which web content ranks high before presenting a web page as having the most relevant answer to a query. To do this, the bots index the URLs appearing in related web pages. This means the more frequent your URL appears as recommended content in other domains, the greater the chances for your web content to rank high when bots crawl for answers in a short span of time.

Still, link building to be effective must use quality backlinks. Quality in the sense that the external links connecting other websites to your domain, appear in posts that are relevant to the niche topic of the recommending website; not just to any random domain that simply adds your URL as an irrelevant afterthought to a content. Simply put, if there is nothing in the guest post content that merits a connection between two collaborating domains, the search engine bots will not consider the hyperlink as a quality backlink.

Now if your clothing and accessories online store is constantly supported with quality external backlinks via relevant guest post, you can be assured of your domain’s increased visibility to search-engine bots, and of getting higher ranking in Google’s Search Engine Results Pages.